Therapy for when your life doesn’t fit the mould.

Accompanying the courageous.

Providing psychotherapy in Los Angeles, California, Kate specializes in supporting caregivers of kiddos with complex needs & folks recovering from adverse religious experiences.

Everyone deserves to have a place to be heard without judgement or shame. We all can benefit from someone who will walk alongside us, help us create change, to find our hope and strength again, or perhaps for the first time.

Areas of Practice


Chronically stressed caregivers are more vulnerable to physical and emotional exhaustion, emotional distance from their children, feelings of extreme frustration, and a sense of disconnect from their previous self. Therapy can help caregivers show up in the ways they want & the way their loved ones need.

Religious trauma

People experiencing wounds caused by faith communities & leaders experience blame, stigma, out-right rejection and silence. Spiritually-sensitive, evidence-based care can support creation of authentic spiritual connections, integration of ones personal beliefs & values, exploration & expression of ones unique identity.


Brain-based disabilities are a natural part of human diversity. No two brains are exactly the same. Everyone has strengths & everyone has weakness, and a great deal of variety among humans. There are times when we all need a helping hand.

“Hope is a gift you don’t have to surrender, a power you don’t have to throw away…”

– Rebecca Solnit

Reach out.